Similar Knit Sweater for $45 (this one sold out!) | Similar Blue Button Down | High Waist Skinny Jeans (33% off, size down one size!) | Pearl Necklace | Beige Pumps | Leather Tote
There will always be something I love about the layered look of a knit sweater and a button down. I think it’s so classic and let’s me live out my preppy dreams. However, I couldn’t do it every day. When I need to be a little warmer or dress up for a meeting or feel like I want to go to New England, this is my go to look. It’s timeless and so easy. The pairing options for everything in this outfit are also endless.
While this sweater sold out, this $45 one (size down one size) is equally easy to pair things with and comes in 5 colors. I just snagged the grey last week because I’ve been loving styling the beige one I have. You can also easily roll up or cuff the sleeves to make it look like this one! Here is another option that’s a little more oversized – I’m not sure you could get away with layering it over a button down unless you size down but I remember wearing a similar one months back and y’all loved it! So, just in case!
By now, I feel like y’all have seen these high waist skinnies (size down a size and they’re on sale) and beige pumps so much. While they are a little more on the expensive side (but still not outrageous), I’m definitely getting a ton of mileage out of them. That means my CPW (cost per wear) is getting lower and lower and neither item is near the end of it’s life in my closet. All this to say, they are worth it!!
PS. If you missed this morning’s post on the 12 best scarves for fall, it’s a good one with tons of affordable options!
I’m loving this casual look!