I’m taking a break from fashion today to talk another sort of trend slash show (or attempt to) that my interests are more diverse. Have you guys heard of Serial? It’s a podcast that tells a story over 12 episodes about a guy convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend. You flip flop back and forth each week wondering if he did it or if he’s innocent. It’s amazing. It has single-handedly turned me from a typical road rage harboring, Los Angeles driver that hated being in the car to someone who actually looks forward to being in the car. Insane. Commutes are tough on everyone so imagine if something could make it not so tough. You’d be into it, right?
So, I did a little more research. If one podcast could have this much of an impact, what about audiobooks? Everyone’s been talking about them so it seemed worth investigating. That’s when I discovered Audible. Owned by Amazon, I expected nothing less than the best selection a girl (or guy) could find in one place. Sure enough, Audible did not disappoint. They have a 50% off deal for your first 3 months which means it’s only $7.49 a month. For my personal happiness on my morning drive is a total steal. They’re offering a special discount too which makes it even more appealing right before the holidays. I mean think of the gifting possibilities. Want to encourage your kids (or perhaps someone else’s) to read? Get them a subscription to Audible! They have classics and the best fairy tales from my childhood! I used to dream about riding the Polar Express nightly. I REALLY liked books as a kid.
Don’t have kids yet? Get a subscription to Audible. The kids books will be there if/when you decide to. Want to get a jump start on those New Year’s resolutions? You can hit any topic from personal finances to unstuffing your life. Just be careful who you gift what to – some people might not take too kindly to being subtly told they’re a hoarder. I should know. I just did it to my mom and experienced her wrath. Bottom line, try something new this year. Subscribe to Audible so you sound like an intellectual at your next cocktail party or figure out how to DIY a tool shelf in your garage.
If you’re a commitment-phobe, don’t fear. You can cancel your subscription any time. But, I don’t foresee that happening.
PS – I recently joined a book club and our next book is Yes, Please by Amy Poehler. Is it totally cheating if I download and “read” with my ears on Audible?
I’ve heard so much about Serial!!!!
Nice post