Yellow Floral Dress (sleeved version here)| Camel Mules (similar here and here!) | Similar White Bag ($18 version here) | White Beaded Earrings | Tortoise Sunglasses | Gold Manta Bracelet
This post is a fun one!! Over the past few months I’ve had such a fun time getting to know you guys over on Instagram. Whether you’ve been responding to my questions on the daily giveaways or just DMing me to ask me a question, it’s made blogging feel a lot less like work. So, thank YOU!
To keep that going, I asked you guys to ask me questions that you wanted to know about. It didn’t necessarily need to be fashion, beauty, home, or travel related (AKA anything I usually talk about here on Visions of Vogue). Here’s what you asked and here are my answers!
PS. If this post makes you think of another question you want answered, email me here or send me a message over on Instagram! I can always do a part 2!
1. How did you meet Matt?
For those of you asking yourself who is Matt, he’s my (Instagram) husband. We met almost 6 years ago while I was having a girls’ weekend with my sorority sisters to celebrate my birthday. Matt lived in Chicago and I lived in LA at the time. So where exactly did we meet? A nightclub in Las Vegas. It wasn’t your typical Vegas meeting – none of the stereotypes happened. We talked, I drank the Voss water at his table (I needed to hydrate), and we parted ways after 3 hours of sassy conversation. If you want the longer version to that story with a few laughs, Matt wrote about his side of the story here.
2. How did I become a blogger?
It’s taken a long time to get where I am and so much has happened along the way! A lot of hard work and patience has gone into this blog. Especially since I still work a full time day job. I wasn’t looking for the spotlight or Instagram fame. I literally just wanted to share helpful tips from someone who has spent a lifetime figuring out to flatter her body type and was just… normal.
But if I look back at what started it all, it was a suggestion made by Matt. I laughed at him thinking, me? There’s no way I have the personality of a blogger. Slash I knew nothing about websites, coding, or photography. He was the one who put the idea in my head and said I should start a fashion blog. I think he just wanted me to give my shopping habits a purpose. He was persistent and so supportive (and still is). For that, I owe him a lot. Little did he know it also would impact him as he would have to learn photography! Eventually, fashion turned into beauty, home, travel and more (which ironically, is the most fun for me to write about).
And if you’re looking for a step by step formula for how to become a blogger, let me know. I’ve been hesitant to write about it because I’ve seen that post sooo many times lately but if you guys are interested in what I have to say, I’m happy to share!
3. How do you like your steak cooked?
By far the most random question of the bunch!! And I love it! My answer is, “not at all”. If you’ve read my Instagram profile, then you know I’m vegan-ish. That means I don’t eat animals and where possible, don’t eat anything that comes from them. It started off as a personal challenge and I continued it for health reasons!

4. What is your favorite cookbook?
Pinterest is by far the best source for recipes IMO. Since you can search the entire internet at one time, it’s efficient and offers way more options. But if I had to pick one cookbook, it would be this one called Oh She Glows. Matt actually bought it for me – he has been trying to give me a hand with cooking dinners!
5. How do you have work-life balance between your day job and your blog?
If you want efficiency tips on how to work two jobs, I shared my 5 tips to work and blog full time here.
If you are truly asking about the “life” balance and if I’m being honest, there isn’t a lot of balance. Since blogging is my second job, I work almost round the clock. But I love it and getting positive feedback from you guys keeps me going! I’ve been trying to figure out ways to combine the two like on that brunch cruise we did for Matt’s 30th birthday.
I’ve been so overwhelmed (and relieved) to hear that you guys want to know more about real life as well lately. It’s so much more fun to write about for me and I love getting Matt involved. Obviously we all like a pretty photo but I’m so excited to keep sharing more of that in the future. Stay tuned!
6. What is your favorite place you’ve traveled to?
Honestly, that might be the toughest question here. It’s so hard for me to pick a favorite because traveling is my favorite activity. If forced to choose, I would pick Japan for the culture, Ireland for the pictures (Charleston is a close second), and Bali for the beaches (also because it was our honeymoon)!

7. What is one thing you’re insecure about?
Wow, let’s get real!! Where do I start? Just kidding. I’m not overly insecure because at this point in my life, I’ve learned to be okay with a lot of things and just embrace who I am. It’s way too exhausting to fake yourself.
If I had to pick something, it would have to be my wide hips (and that general area). I’ve spent my entire life flattering them and countless hours at the gym trying to get my derrière into bikini shape. But there are some things (thanks, genetics) that you just can’t change. Luckily, I married someone who loves it and is always there to remind me of that. And if you’re looking at my photos in disbelief right now, that should convince you I know what I’m talking about when I use the word flattering :)
8. How do you stay motivated?
I’m going to assume that the asker meant motivated about blogging! Aside from my Type A personality (that makes quitting a non-option), it’s you guys. I was very late to the game when it come to Snapchat/Instagram stories and I feel like since I’ve started sharing more, I’ve gotten so many responses from you guys. They make my day every single time – whether you’re asking what lipstick I’m wearing or just responding to some random thing I said!
I get that DMing me might sound intimidating but I’ve loved getting real with you guys over the past few months. Plus, your questions and requests give me so much to write about that actually feels like it has a purpose. As I’ve mentioned before, I love that I’ve gotten to this point of blogging where it’s less of a monologue and more of a dialogue. So keep that coming – and if you haven’t reached out yet, don’t be shy. Do it when you’re ready!
9. What did you study in college?
Yay, a short one! And after reading the answer you’ll understand why I like numbers more than writing! Mechanical Engineering. Yeppp I thought I wanted to design cars for the rest of my life. Instead I work in finance. Oh, and blog.
10. What is your favorite date night?
Explore! Let me caveat that: when it’s warm. In the winter, I’m still going to need a bit longer to adjust to the cold. Since we still are new to Chicago, we have been trying new restaurants, patios, bars, whatever like crazy. One of the best date nights we’ve had so far was dinner/drinks at Bar Taquito (we both love Mexican food) in the West Loop after which we walked home along the river walk. It wasn’t one of those date nights you plan out for weeks to be so monumental. It just kind of happened. But it was just so fun to share discovering something new and it was right as the weather started getting warm.
PS. If you want to know what guys really want to do on date nights, Matt gave you 5 date night ideas here!
Loved this post! One of my favorites!
I loved learning more about you here. I also work full time! It is fun having two jobs right?!
xo Jessica
It’s amazing getting to know you a little bit better! I tried blogging while still having a full-time job and I failed at it… You’re amazing for doing it because it sure is hard work.
I loved learning 10 things about you! You are so cute and inspirational girl!
Megan |
Love this post! So fun and real! Would love to see more like these :)
It is amazing that you are in the same situation finding the right “balance” between being a blogger and working full-time. I’m in the same situation and itÄs not always easy but soo worth it :)
What a fun post Jenna!! My husband was the one that had the idea that I should blog too!
This is such a lovely dress! I love the print!
Love this post and that dress! I also have wide hips so I feel your pain on that. Ha!
Aw I loved this! You have traveled to some amazing places!
This is a favorite post from you!! SO Fun getting to know more about you!! I LOVE how you met Matt!! I too work full time and blog so I love watching you go for it!!! You are amazing and I can’t wait to visit Japan and Bali! XO
Surprised no one asked about babies because I’ve been wanting to know this for sooooo long!!!!!
Awww I love posts like this!
Definitely one of my favorites, love learning more about you!
I always love learning more about people! I’ve heard great things about the Oh She Glows cookbook. I need to check it out!
Love this OOTD!
love that pop of red with your lipstick!!
I love hearing how people started their blogs, we all have such different paths :)
The story of how you guys met is too cute! Heading to read his side of the story now!
How 2 Wear It []
Ha ha! All your replies are very corectly at your personality!
I think that you are so honest and clear person! I like your style and you look so beutifull into this outfit!
Teo from (A life style blogger – new vintage post today)
Kisses xxx💋✨💋
Nice look
Nice post